Sunday, July 30, 2017

Welcome to the Girls' Club!

"I declare myself a girl. Now what do i do?"

"Welcome to girls' club, a club for all mtfs who, here, are girls.

The only rules, apart from standard ones about being nice and kind, are that here you are (a) a girl, (b) not tied to any real life limitations like age, nationality, job etc. We get together as girls, not to moan, but to create a positive space for ourselves and have fun.

As a girl...

How are you feeling?
What do you like?
What are you like?
What would you like to share - in a facebooky sort of way, i.e. from trivial to deep?
What would you like us to do in girls' club?

Have a look or join the Girls' Club at Crossdream Life Forum!

[Update: This CDL post has been posted in the CDL Safe Room, which means it is only accessible to registered members who have posted five comments/posts. ]

A safe place for discussing gender variance!

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